My thoughts and ramblings as the President gave his State of the Union speech...
OK, Bush continues to link Iraq with the ar on terror... HE created the problems we have with terror in Iraq. As happened in Yugoslavia after the collapse of the soviet style authoritarian govenrment and the collapse of the soviet-backed dictatorship in Afghanistan.
He talks of bringing democracy to the middle east, but when the Palestinians elect HAMAS, we get indignant...
BTW, Mr President, Iran DOES have elections.... not a full democracy, but it is more than what the people of China are allowed to do. (so why wasn't China listed with North Korea, Syria, etc)
He addresses Iran much in the same way he addressed Iraq in the months BEFORE we invaded..... this scares me...
He said that the US will pull out of Iraq when military leaders say it is time... well, why do you want to listen to them NOW??? a couple of years ago, some military leaders said many more troops would be needed.... and one who was vocal was promptly and severely punished... (so much for democracy, eh)
BTW: who really believes that terrorist in the US would openly call their leaders elsewhere and talk openly about thier plans...
God, that smirk on his face during applause, comes of like "Yeah, see, I am right and all of you f-ers who oppose me are WRONG"
"peed feoples fears...." oops George...
BTW: did Sen McCain looked peeved or at least irritated????
He wants to make tax cuts permanent when the deficit is skyrocketing??? He thinks that we can cut deficit in half by 2009??? not with the mess he caused.
McCain liked that bit about stopping porkbarrel....
Wow.... House-Senate response getting VERY partisan.... and thank god that congress didn't act on HIS plan for 'fixing' SS!
he wants people around the world to "buy American", (well, everyone BUT Americans it seems)
Amnesty and guest worker programs... that is one area that I thing GWB may be on the right track....
GWB, most people who work for big businesses have crappy insurance, too!
Affordable energy... Hmmm.. he has made NO MOVE to hold oil companies accountable to the gouging of America...
Clean, safe nuclear energy, a double oxy-moron if there ever was one!
OK, he want to end dependance on energy, increase research in alternative fuels.. hmm, wasn't that one of GORE'S campaign points in 2000?
More tax credits.... permanent ones..... OK, that money is gotta be made up SOMEWHERE.....
He brags about NCLB... but he has NOT fully funded the initiatives required by the law...
Yet he NOW makes a push for Math and Science education....Folks, he has CUT finds for technology in schools.. his budget cut it to ZERO.... the House and Senate set the funding @ 55%.
"activist courts" How can he attack activist courts on a night when he OPENED his speech honoring Coretta Scott King and the civil rights movement, a movemnet that was DRIVEN by 'activist courts"
Public Trust... hmm, George, why don't YOU START this push by releasing ALL info and pictures the White House has regarding ANY AND ALL contacts that YOU and YOUR STAFF had with Abramoff???!!!!
There is that smug look again as he finished....
Folks, those are my thoughts as they happened during the speech live, so please forgive grammar and spelling.