Saturday, September 13, 2008


Alaska's proximity to Russia has been touted as Palin's foreign policy experience and thus her creds to be Veep. Here is an exchange from the Gibson interview with Palin:
GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.
Well, with such strong foreign policy experience making her qualified for veep, I think that I am now ready to serve in a McCain administration! Now, let me be clear, I am not asking for some fluff post like a minor ambassadorship nor am I looking for a 'Brownie' type political appointment to a post that I am not qualified for. No, I am seeking a top level cabinet post for which I am clearly qualified, using the Palin qualification standard!

Here are the posts that I am applying for and my qualifications:

Sec. of Education: I was a teacher for over 16 years, all of it at the middle school level(heck, that is a stronger combat cred than being CinC of the AK National Guard). My degree is even IN EDUCATION (though this matters not under the Palin Standard, and it may even may make me over-qualified)

Sec. of Transportation: This summer our family vacation saw us take the train to Los Angeles, rent a van and drive to San Francisco, where we rode taxis and cable cars. after driving back to LA, we flew home to Tucson. I've coordinated several trips by Greyhound over the past 2+ years for my wife and kids.

Sec. of the Interior: Well, with the Department of the Interior being in charge of National Parks, my visits to places like the Grand Canyon, Mt. Lemmon, Lake Powell, Golden Gate Bridge, Saguaro National Monument, et al shows my diversity of experiences with our park system. And since this department oversees the BIA, my 16+ years living and working on the Navajo Reservation as well as my 17+ year marriage to a Navajo really highlights my qualifications. Though, I will have to be honest, I've never exchanged sex for business favors but i am a pretty fast learner and more than willing to make this sacrifice in service to my country!

Sec. of Agriculture: When I was in high school ny mom rented two garden spaces in the community gardens @ the Botanical Gardens. We grew (well, attempted to grow) corn, tomatoes, and a couple fo other veggies that I can't recall. I even helped my in-laws plant corn near El Cap (algatha peak) north of Kayenta earlier this year. Knowing that agriculture is just more that veggies, I am also the great-grandson of a ranch hand that worked ranches in the White Mountains of Arizona in the 20's and 30's.

Sec. of Labor: well, I've never been IN labor (I left that duty to my wife, a job she did much better than I ever could have) I've been gainfully employed since graduating from college. I've even been an officer in a labor union and participated in labor negotiations several times. My father was even an officer in a local union in the 1960's. And if Johnny-Mac wants someone with LESS union-related experience, my grandmother, (yes,my dad's mom), was pretty much ANTI-Union.

Sec. of State: I traveled to Mexico a couple of times, and not all were college drinking trips to La Caverna (though there was at least ONE of those!) I've even went to Rocky Point as part of a marine Biology class in college.

Now, should John McCain win in November, I am willing, able, and using the PALIN STANDARD, more than qualified to serve in a McCain administration. So, if you want to see me in charge of any of the above listed posts, VOTE FOR MCCAIN-PALIN!!!!

But if you want people that are truly qualified for the cabinet, you should probably join me in voting for Obama-Biden. Though, I could use the raise!

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